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Since 1910, Zegna has maintained its unmistakable style by focusing its journey towards the tomorrow. The brand is coming to Galería Canalejas in 2022 to continue spreading its values and style codes.


Opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 10:30 – 20:30
Sunday: 12:00 – 20:00


Ground floor

How to get here

Car access via C/Alcalá 17 and Alcalá 20.
Direct access at Galería Canalejas, Galería Canalejas Food Hall and Four Season Hotel Madrid.
Pedestrian access at Carrera de San Jerónimo 7, C/Alcalá 8 and C/ Sevilla 3.

Enjoy 2h of free parking in Parking Centro Canalejas from Monday to Sunday until 28th February for being a customer.

More info:

Zegna - Boutiques

The timeless style of Zegna dresses the man of today in the centre of Madrid

An unmistakable style and 111 years of innovation define the journey on which the company embarked in order to follow the dream and vision of its founder, Ermenegildo Zegna who transformed ideas into fabrics, creating in 1930 a forest known as Oasi Zegna, a natural park of 100 km2 in piedmont, northern italy, a community and a new style of life.

His road has guided Zegna’s historic path, not just as fabric makers, tailors and industry leaders, but as responsible and caring human beings following a legacy of sustainability.

Inspired by the journey traveled so far, Zegna continues to move forward and evolve globally, with its customers.

Dressing men since 1910, Zegna’s road has led to new style codes, now envisioned by artistic director Alessandro Sartori who seeks out progressive ways for (re)tailoring the modern man.

Zegna - Boutiques


The latest fashion news at Galería Canalejas

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