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Hermès is opening a new store at Galería Canalejas in Madrid and supporting the renaissance of this historic location.


Opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 10:30 – 20:30
Sunday: 12:00 – 20:00


Plaza de Canalejas, 1, Madrid

How to get here

Car access via C/Alcalá 17 and Alcalá 20.
Direct access at Galería Canalejas, Galería Canalejas Food Hall and Four Season Hotel Madrid.
Pedestrian access at Carrera de San Jerónimo 7, C/Alcalá 8 and C/ Sevilla 3.

Enjoy 2h of free parking in Parking Centro Canalejas from Monday to Sunday.

More info:

Boutique - Hermés

The new iconic Hermès store in the heart of Madrid

Flanked on each side by the elegant avenues of Calle de Alcalá and Calle de Sevilla, the new Hermès store at Galería Canalejas has been designed in complete harmony with the restored Neoclassical features of the Palacio de la Equitativa, a building given Asset of Cultural Interest status by Spain in 2012. A typically Spanish colour palette bathed in sunshine further enhances the welcoming atmosphere inside the store.

Located on the ground floor, the store reflects the unique geometry of the building and enables visitors to take a journey through its colourful collections of silk, jewellery, watches and jewellery accessories towards an intimate space at the front that houses the range of leather goods offered by Hermès.

The rear of the store houses the prêt-à-porter items for men and women, the home goods universe, perfumes and the new Hermès beauty métier, an expression of the elegance, spirit and imagination for which Hermès is famous.

Hermès welcomes visitors to its new store in Madrid, where the bustling city spirit offers a dynamic environment for the creativity and craftsmanship of this maison.

Boutique - Hermés


The latest fashion news at Galería Canalejas

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