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Marc Cain

The German women’s fashion brand inaugurates its new space in Galería Canalejas. Since its founding in 1973, it has fused aesthetic and artistic sense with innovation and exclusivity.


Opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 10:30 – 20:30
Sunday: 12:00 – 20:00


Ground floor

How to get here

Car access via C/Alcalá 17 and Alcalá 20.
Direct access at Galería Canalejas, Galería Canalejas Food Hall and Four Season Hotel Madrid.
Pedestrian access at Carrera de San Jerónimo 7, C/Alcalá 8 and C/ Sevilla 3.

Enjoy 2h of free parking in Parking Centro Canalejas from Monday to Sunday until 28th February for being a customer.

More info:

Marc Cain - Boutiques

The new boutique of this premium fashion brand is located on the second floor, a space of 115 square meters where you can find the latest proposals of its distinctive and versatile collection.

Made entirely in Germany, Marc Cain’s designs not only offer an unmistakable vision of trends, but also meet rigorous standards of quality and design. Through innovative tailoring techniques, they create vibrant, expressive and uncomplicated looks that highlight the brand’s unique essence.

Marc Cain - Boutiques


The latest fashion news at Galería Canalejas

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