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Dior is an iconic French fashion and beauty brand, founded in 1946, that perfectly combines luxury and innovation in its products.


Opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 10:30 – 20:30
Sunday: 12:00 – 20:00


Plaza de Canalejas, 1, Madrid

How to get here

Car access via C/Alcalá 17 and Alcalá 20.
Direct access at Galería Canalejas, Galería Canalejas Food Hall and Four Season Hotel Madrid.
Pedestrian access at Carrera de San Jerónimo 7, C/Alcalá 8 and C/ Sevilla 3.

Enjoy 2h of free parking in Parking Centro Canalejas from Monday to Sunday until 28th February for being a customer.

More info:

Boutique - Dior

Christian Dior was the designer of dreams. As soon as his House was founded in 1946, and consecrated by the revolution of the New Look, his visionary spirit never ceased to glorify women all over the world. “Fabric is the sole vehicle of our dreams (…). Fashion, in sum, comes from a dream, and dreaming is an escape,” he wrote. Season after season, this exceptional heritage is reinvented by the singular creative passion, force and modernity of the House’s Creative Directors who – from haute couture to perfumes – make the Dior magic live on with audacity, excellence of savoir-faire and its unique beauty of the gesture.


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