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Tumi inaugura su Boutique en Galería Canalejas

La prestigiosa firma de equipaje y estilo de vida abre las puertas de su nueva tienda, donde los viajeros podrán encontrar los accesorios más excepcionales y duraderos.

17 de mayo de 2024

TUMI, the leading international travel, lifestyle and accessories brand since 1975, is synonymous with luxury, design, functionality and durability. Always in pursuit of excellence, TUMI crafts its collections with high-performance materials and innovative designs.


In this exclusive space, visitors can discover the brand’s most iconic collections: from the iconic Alpha 3 suitcase, made from its ultra-strong FXT ballistic nylon, to the elegant 19 Degree Aluminum, with its distinctive angled design in aeronautical aluminium.

In addition, the boutique showcases TUMI’s latest collections, such as the collaboration with McLaren, which includes premium items made from nylon and carbon fibre, and Asra, its new line of women’s bags with a full range of lightweight shoulder bags in a contemporary silhouette and sophisticated colour palette.

Tumi Inaugura
Tumi Inaugura


The new boutique offers an experience of luxury, creativity and innovation. With an avant-garde design, the shop combines excellence and innovation with history. In this boutique, historical elements belonging to the historical archive of Galería Canalejas have been integrated, old safe deposit boxes of high cultural value, which belonged to the former Banco Central Hispano Americano, originals from the 1940s, which now form part of an exquisite two-metre table covered in marble.

This new and significant space is a must-stop for all adventurers looking for durable, stylish and comfortable accessories. Immerse yourself in the excellence and innovation of TUMI in its boutique, located on the first floor of Galería Canalejas, open Monday to Saturday from 10:30 to 20:30, and Sundays and holidays from 12:00 to 20:00, at Plaza de Canalejas, 1.


La actualidad de la moda en Galería Canalejas

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