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Exposición «Oceánica» de Nuria Mora en Galería Canalejas

Este 2023, la artista madrileña Nuria Mora nos sumerge en una ola de experiencias con su instalación «Oceánica» en Galería Canalejas. Inspirada en los elementos y sensaciones típicos del mar, la exposición evoca la belleza y nostalgia de las vacaciones en la costa.

13 de julio de 2023

The days are lived to the fullest and the nights are filled with magic and mystery. The season of sun and heat invites us to immerse ourselves in an ocean of experiences, where every moment is a gift and a memory to keep.

These sensations, so characteristic of the warm months, are what the Madrid artist Nuria Mora wanted to evoke with her installation created exclusively for Galería Canalejas: Oceánica.


From 12 July until 31 October, visitors to Galería Canalejas can explore a unique experience in the heart of Madrid. As you walk through the doors of Plaza Canalejas, you will be transported to the Costa de la Luz, the Pitiusas and the Mariña Lucense. The installation evokes a familiar feeling of holidays gone by, but in a way never before experienced in the capital.

During the exhibition, visitors can appreciate the fascinating sculptural works of Nuria Mora. Created in glazed ceramic, the pieces represent abstractions of iconic summer symbols, creating a captivating walk through a world of harmony between colours, textures and shapes.

Exposición Oceánica de Nuria Mora
Exposición Oceánica de Nuria Mora

With this exhibition, Galería Canalejas is taking advantage of its privileged location and its history to support contemporary art in one of the city’s most important artistic hubs. In this way, it manages to perpetuate the cultural identity of the group of buildings on which it stands, enriching the history of Madrid and establishing itself as a cultural partner of tourism in the capital. In addition, it offers added value to the visitor, since the aesthetic experience has been acquiring an increasingly important role in the life of cities.

And the fact is that the contemplation of art has become an essential part of a more enriching shopping experience, as the artist states, ‘The spaces that are outside the typical artistic circuits are much more democratic, in them there is a relationship with the work with fewer filters and interferences, more natural’.


Contemporary visual artist (Madrid, 1974) who works with geometry, forms and organic elements in public space. She began painting in the street at the end of the 1990s, always with her own language. Since then, Mora has maintained a close relationship between his work, the city and architecture that has evolved into an absolutely recognisable style, and which has led him to exhibit in some of the most important art centres in the world, such as the Tate Modern in London, the Archaeological Museum, the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona, the Place du Pilori space in Niort (France), the Pilar Foundation, Joan Miró in Mallorca and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Johannesburg, among others.

In the artist’s own words about her exhibition at Galería Canalejas, ‘Oceánica speaks of the sea and summer, but it is also an intimate portrait’.

Exposición Oceánica de Nuria Mora


Office for tailor-made artistic projects. Founded in 2020 by Inés Muñozcano and Ana Ortiz Zaforas, it focuses on contemporary art and creation. It is dedicated to the management, consultancy, conception, curating and development of artistic initiatives. They work with both private collectors and the public administration, as well as with galleries and artists; they advise and accompany all of them in their artistic initiatives.

The pieces that make up the exhibition are available, and for more information you can write an email to info@frenesifinearts.com.


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