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Todas las novedades de Aquazzura SS24

La firma florentina hace un recorrido por Italia este verano y rinde homenaje a la evocadora belleza del país transalpino en su última colección.

31 de mayo de 2024

The collection is presented as a celebration of the country’s culture, its craftsmanship and the favourite places in the Italian geography of the designer Edgardo Osorio.


Italy is full of idyllic and magical places that have inspired the design of a charismatic accessories collection that encapsulates the true spirit of La Dolce Vita. From the enchanting island of Sicily to the dreamy Amalfi Coast to the brand’s hometown of Florence, the vibrant essence and spirit of Italy is present in this collection full of exquisite and evocative details.

Playing with nature and tradition, the collection celebrates the power of craftsmanship, manifesting various traditional techniques in the new models. The presence of natural materials such as raffia is key, mixing with tassels, embroidery and dazzling crystals. The colour palette experiments with a wide range from neutrals such as beige, brown and black, to the eclectic and vibrant shades characteristic of the Italian brand, such as bright fuchsia and a selection of seductive metallic tones.



Among the novelties in the collection are Citrus and Strawberry Punch, a line of footwear and bags made of raffia hand-woven by women artisans in Osorio’s native Colombia, with beautiful fruit motifs that give them a fun and festive character. Raffia is also present in the Vacanza and Costiera sandals, two braided silhouettes with a play of textures that are sure to become summer wardrobe musts, inspired by Slim Aarons’ iconic photographs from the 1960s.

The standout lines, sure to be on every cover and in every wishlist, are the dazzling Gin Tonic with its shimmering golds and lemon-shaped details, and Capri Crush, which channels the underwater world with delicate jewelled details inspired by the creative director’s personal collection of corals and seashells.

This new and significant space is a must-stop for all adventurers looking for durable, stylish and comfortable accessories. Immerse yourself in the excellence and innovation of TUMI in its boutique, located on the first floor of Galería Canalejas, open Monday to Saturday from 10:30 to 20:30, and Sundays and holidays from 12:00 to 20:00, at Plaza de Canalejas, 1.


La actualidad de la moda en Galería Canalejas

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